13 May 2008

2008 Upfronts (part one)

If the United States Network Primetime Fall Schedule is like the Superbowl to me (and it is), then the Network Upfronts are my NFL Draft. But before I go into who got picked, I want to first mention who got cut. And since NBC was the first Network to announce its schedule, here are the biggest losers:

1 vs. 100
Bionic Woman
Clash of the Choirs
Las Vegas
My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad
The Singing Bee

*For more info on Scrubs's fate, stay tuned!

The only cancellations of note for me were Bionic Woman (which tried its best but just didn't have the legs) and Journeyman (which was a brilliant show that was apparently too much ahead of its time). If you have a favourite that didn't make the cut, I sympathize with you. Unless you were into Clash of the Choirs, in which case all I can say is: "Really?"



Grae Van Hooser said...

Minimus use my ass! Why don't you just post something that's work related? Like maybe a continuing review of that once show "The Guardian"? How about adding the NGA site to your blog roll? I guess you need to have a blog roll in the first place though don't you?

MAC said...
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MAC said...

Maybe we could get some real cool shows up in this mutha! I can help with some graph-X too even if we have to steel them from NBC, ABC and FOX.

Minya said...

Bionic Woman...legs...I get it. Har de har. All I care about is that "How I met your mother" and "Eureka" will be back. The rest is just fluff.